Under-Explored Problems in Academia

Your choices as a researcher are affected by the circumstance such as


Has more freedom in

Has Bias towards


Choosing the topics

Publishable topics


Using resources (time, budget, work force)

Profitable topics

As a result, we’ll see each entity uses [A] to specialize in [B]. And that’s great! But, for the same reason, some topics are getting little attention in academia.

What makes a topic difficult to work on in academia?

  • When it feels like it’s solved → You can’t write a paper about it anymore!

  • When it’s hard to create a dataset → In this data-driven era, it’s a deal-breaker.

  • When the problem is too new / there’s no dataset for it → No way for sure.

  • When it’s difficult to evaluate → Don’t feed Reviewer 2 a reason for rejection!

Let’s talk about research topics

Disclaimer - This section is meant to be subjective. Also, as the content is based on the diagnosis of the current research field, it will expire as time goes by.

Speech/music classification


  • It seems easy

  • Many methods have achieved 100% accuracy in Gtzan speech/music dataset [Tza99],

It is an interesting problem because

  • The model is needed anyway and there’s no reliable public model since Gtzan speech/music dataset [Tza99] is pretty small

  • The problem can be defined further such as:

    • Clip-level decision → short segment-level decision (say, 1 second)

    • More than binary decision - {100% Music – many levels in between – 100% speech} + {something neither music or speech} (e.g., [MelendezCatalanMGomez19], [HWW+21])

Language classification


  • We were not doing it (nearly at all) because there was no public dataset

It is an interesting problem because

  • It’s one of the main components in music recommendation systems.

  • It is popular in Industry - According to publication records, ByteDance [CW21] / Spotify [Rox19] / YouTube [CSR11] have done it.

  • There is a public dataset now [SPD+20]

Mood recognition


  • It has lost popularity for these reasons:

    • Tagging tasks sort of overshadowed it

    • Hard to get large-scale data // while we have to write deep learning papers!

    • Hard to evaluate (fundamentally, completely subjective)

    • Maybe a lot about lyrics, which are also hard to get.

It is an interesting problem because

  • Users still want to find some songs by mood.

    • Mood-based playlists/radio stations are popular!

    • Check out this repo[GCCE+21] for a comprehensive list of mood-related datasets



  • No one does it explicitly

  • Metadata is supposed to cover this pretty well

  • MSD includes it and it works pretty okay [BMEWL11]

It is an interesting problem because

  • And yes, there is demand! Metadata is NOT always there or correct

  • Relevant to user’s musical preference

Audio codec quality (mp3, wav, etc)


  • Music services are supposed to always have high-quality audio

It is an interesting problem because

  • There are many fake CD-quality/fake HD audio files

  • Indie music/Directly publishing + sample-based music producing = Increase of audio quality issue

Hierarchical Classification


  • There are little datasets that have hierarchical taxonomies

It is an interesting problem because

  • We can do a better job by learning the knowledge in the hierarchy

  • The users of your model may want it! Even if they did not explicitly want a label hierarchy, it might make more sense to have one based on the labels in demand.